

Is the Title1.Tools platform hosted by the client or by Title1.Tools?

The Title1.Tools platform is hosted and managed by us in the cloud (Amazon Web Services). This menas that our clients don't need to worry about managing servers, installing software and maintaining it.

All users access the Title1.Tools platform through a single secure portal and are granted access only to data and documents that belongs to their district and/or school.

What does the process of setting up an instance of Title1.Tools entail?

We refer to the process of setting up a new client instance as "onboarding".

The process of setting up an instance for a new client involves both automatic and manual data entry. During this phase, we work closely with our clients and in some cases, take over the entire setup process and use data provided by the client.

New clients are provided with everything they need in order to get their staff and schools started with Title1.Tools. Also included in the onboarding process are introductory tutorials to cover the basics and in-depth online training sessions.

Who owns the data and documents that a client uploads to Title1.Tools?

Our clients own all data and documents. In the event that a client decides not to renew their annual service with Title1.Tools, there are two options for obtaining access to the data and documents. For more information, please refer to the latest version of our Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Can the Title1.Tools platform exchange data with other systems?

Yes. Clients who need to pull data from Title1.Tools are given a unique and secure API key that allows their internal systems to pull the data using standard protocols. For example, data from Title1.Tools can be automatically fetched and published to the client's web portal.